What is the “IT” in My Life Right Now?
Hello Fantastic Friends!
Yes, I know it has been a long time since I have blogged! I find it so hard to do all of the things that I want to do or need to do! What has been going on since I last wrote?
My husband is recovering really well from his spinal fusion surgery, and our puppy, Buster, has adjusted well to life with three legs. The children are all back in school, which leaves a lot more time for me to get my work done, and have time to continue getting my art career off the ground. I am exhausted, but I am seeing a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. It is so draining to try to get everything done that we need to get done everyday, isn’t it? Work, cleaning, loving the family, etc. and then to also take time to do things for ourselves such as brush our teeth, take a shower, let alone try to squeeze a painting in!!! LOL! Life is tough. However, for me, when I see something exciting happening, I am given little bursts of energy here and there which really help me to continue making “IT” happen, whatever that “IT” is for the moment.
So what is the “IT” in my life right now? I have a few. LOL! Life is never dull over here.
Finding Balance
First, I have been working really hard on balancing my life. I need to get my work done, I need to paint because it helps me with stress (and I want to do that for a living), but I also MOST IMPORTANTLY right now need to be a good mom and wife. Nothing else will matter if I am not the best at that. So, I have been trying really hard (on most days) to put aside time for my children and my husband. It is hard to make time for everything. I also can’t be really good at the mom/wife job if I don’t get “me” time, too. So, finding that balance has been tricky, but I am working on it.
Flowers in Her Hair
Second, I have been working on a new series that I am absolutely in love with titled, “Flowers in Her Hair”. My inspiration began with a sweet photo of a girl with flowers in her hair and that one photo morphed into me being inspired to do an entire series. I have three done, and three more backgrounds ready to go!! I am doing an art walk in Tustin in two weeks, so, I hope that these will be ready to show!
Let’s Face It
Third, I have been working super hard at putting together a brand new courses on faces/portraiture that will launch in January!! It is going to be an amazing class with top-notch instructors! I know that I have not felt more alive since I have been painting people again. Part of the reason that I quit was because I felt so intimidated about getting things right! I am not worried about that anymore. I have found that once you let go of the need to be perfect so much can happen! If you want to learn more about this course (you really do want to learn more about it!!!) then just click here!
I can’t wait to see you all again! Thank you for following my blog. If you are interested in purchasing my art you can look at my gallery above and contact me or to view available paintings just click here.
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Kara, u said it all in a nutshell. There has to be balance, in every direction 🙂 Sounds like u are doing a great job. And tour art is on another level. I admire you. You are an inspiration!
Thank you so much! I appreciate your words so much and all of your support and encouragement on this journey!
I just love this series Kara (but then I pretty much love anything you do!). You amaze me that you can do it all. I know sometimes you probably feel like you can’t, but to those of us looking in, you ARE. I truly admire you.
Thank you so much!!! I feel like this series is me….I don’t know that I do everything at my best, but I sure to try. Thank you so much for your kind words and support!!
I think a big pat on the back is a must. Congratulations Kara! Sounds like you found the right flow for every aspect of your life – family and your passion. Your new series looks very bold and promising. It will be another hit and a feather in your art cap. And then there is this big project by early next year, woohoo! Girl, you are really on a roll. Keep the fire burning and the inspiration flowing. Again, congratulations Kara!
You are too sweet! xoxo