So Much Inspiration, So Little Time
Hello World!
It has been a long time since my last post. School was officially out on June 18th, and on that same day, our puppy was hit by a car, as you know. So, between kids being home, our dog recovering, and my husband home injured from work, life has been busy! I am having a tough time managing everything!!! Hard to believe, right!?!? LOL! Anyhow, I have managed to find time to create and wanted to share some of my recent paintings. I am really enjoying that path that I am on right now. I am super inspired and love what is flowing out from me. I just wish that I had a bit more time. I know that before I know it, summer will be over, and the house will be quiet again. I will be sad that the kids are gone, so I should enjoy it while they are home. It goes fast! However, the need to create/paint, is so strong, and hard to put aside.
What do you do when you have so many ideas flowing, but don’t have the time to get them on canvas/paper? What I have been doing is carrying a journal around with me. It is more like a sketch pad. When I get an idea, I sketch it out. I usually do this prior to a painting anyway, but the quick sketch in the journal at least allows me to put my idea on paper for later. It also helps to quench my thirst to create. It is just enough to tide me over until I can get enough time for a canvas or at least to get a canvas started. I am not much of an art journaler. I am not sure why, but I am toying with the idea a little more. Life Book 2015 with Tam Laporte is teaching me how to journal as an artist. I find that this requires a little less time and the lessons are amazing!
Have you heard of Life Book? This is an amazing year long art course, hosted by the amazing Tam Laporte. She offers lessons that she teaches, as well as, up to 20-25 lessons from other amazing artists. Lessons are offered once a week and are so diverse. There is something for everyone. What I love is that I can pick and choose what speaks to me. Also, sometimes I do the lessons that don’t speak to me because it is challenging and really helps me to grow as an artist. The featured image in this blog is from Week 28 of Life Book 2015. To learn more about this amazing course, you can click here.
I look forward to hearing more about how you go about making time for art when there is so little time. 🙂
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I am loving your new pieces!!! I really love the background on the last one you did!!!
Thank you, Angela!!! I am so, so, so inspired right now!!! Which one are you talking about? The Life Book one or the girl in polka dot dress?
Thanks for writing about Life Book Kara! :))) Lovely to read your blog post, so sorry to hear about your poor doggy! Hope he feels better very soon! And of course: lovely art pieces!! xoox
Thank you for reading! The online art world literally changed my life. I would have to say that people like you, and Effy Wild, have really shown me that I can do this. I can make dreams come true. I can be the person that I have always wanted to be! Along with the art lessons, I also love the self-healing component! It is something that was needed, and now I get to work on myself and enjoy creating all at once! Thanks a million, Tam! XOXO