Welcome Creatives! I am so excited to announce the opening of INSPIRE, our COPYRIGHT FREE source of photographs! INSPIRE is a copyright free resource of images that will have a variety of portrait and figurative poses. Portrait angles will include front, 3/4, profile, and more. Figurative poses will include standing, sitting, laying, and so much more. INSPIRE aims to represent our world as it is. Expect to find a variety of individuals with each new edition of photographs!
This resource is available to all students on our website, as well as, visitors that are not currently enrolled in a class. Each year we will be creating several selections of photographs. It is my hope that this resource will be a guide to inspire your personal artworks. If you are enrolled in LET'S FACE IT 2019, you will receive five selections of photos per year for FREE. These selections can be found in the LFI classrooms. If you are not enrolled in LET'S FACE IT 2019, you are currently welcome to purchase the selection of photographs individually for. Prices vary. Enjoy!
INSPIRE is stock photo resource for artists, with a heavy emphasis on portrait and figurative artwork. INSPIRE was created to guide the artwork of artists, but also to represent our world as it is today! Expect to find a variety of individuals with each new edition!
Each selection will include the following:
- A theme/topic to inspire artists
- Several photographs in the topic/theme of that volume
- A diverse grouping of photographs to represent variety
- Various photographers
- A brief write up of the featured photographers and links to the photographers social media, websites, etc.
The majority of the photograph selections feature freelance-photographers. We are seeking both color and black/white photographs in a variety of portrait and figurative poses that would bring inspiration to the working artist. We look for a variety of contributors from different backgrounds and geographic areas. Photographs must be sent by email (see guidelines below).
INSPIRE buys the rights to the photographs used in the selectsion. Photographs purchased will belong to Kara Bullock Art for the use of inspiration for artists. They will be published on karabullockart.com, and may also be offered as stand alone .jpegs. Payment is given upon receipt of photographs, and royalties are paid for sales of magazines. Further description of payment available when contract is created.
Please limit submissions to 10 photographs or less. approximately 10 photographs or less. We don't need to see more than that to make a decision. All film formats are accepted, but only work with digital files.
INSPIRE assumes no responsibility for solicited or unsolicited contribution materials unless otherwise agreed to in writing over our signature as detailed under Photographs for Submission in these guidelines. Exceptions to this disclaimer of liability on the part of INSPIRE must be prearranged, executed in writing and signed by both parties prior to the shipment of materials in question. Again, this policy is for your protection as well as ours.
THANK YOU FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS! We value your artistic ideas and photographic offerings. With your help, INSPIRE will continue to guide the artwork of the students on our network all over the world!
Send submissions to Kara at karabullockart@gmail.com.
This is a downloadable item that you should receive in your account immediately upon purchase. This purchase will allow you to download the item up to three times. After that the link will expire. The link will also expire in 30 days. It is recommended that you download the item and save it somewhere safe on your computer. All sales final.
- INSPIRE images may only be used with purchase of the eMagazine, or if you are a student in Let's Face It 2019.
- Images to be used for artwork. Original images and/or eMagazine may not be sold or reproduced and sold.
- If images are to be used in an online art course, permission must be received from Kara Bullock at karabullockart@gmail.com prior to creating course.