Let’s Face It 2016 Registration – Kara Only




Hello Awesomeness! I am so happy to see you again!! For LET’S FACE IT – Kara Only, you will receive the lessons that I put together for the first year of LET’S FACE IT.  In this course I will share with you strategies, tips, and techniques that I use in order to create my faces and portraits so that you feel confident enough in your skills to never feel intimidated again!

What is LET’S FACE IT?

I know from my own personal experience just how intimidating it can be to draw/create faces and portraits. In fact, at one point, I was so scared by the process that I quit creating for years! I don’t want this to happen to you or to others that also have this love for drawing/painting/creating faces and portraits!

In this course, we will learn to face our fears of creating faces, accept where we are in the process, love where we are on our face journey, and nurture our skills so that we feel more comfortable and confident in continuing on the adventure to finding out what our “face” is!

LET’S FACE IT is a course for anyone that wants to practice creating faces and portraits, but was especially designed for those of you that have felt scared or intimidated to do so at some point in your life. This course will be a safe place for you to practice your skills and receive feedback from other artists and learners along the way.  The lessons will give you the instruction you need to learn how to construct a face in different positions.  You will learn specifically how to draw a face/portrait, and then how to use different materials to complete your portraits.  My ultimate goal is for you to spend time finding out what your unique style is and what your “face” is.

This course is also somewhat of a progressive course. It will be broken down into sections. Sounds perfect, right!?!  What is even better is that each section will have a specific focus. We will begin by working on just the front face. The second section will focus on the ¾ face. Later in the course, we will also focus on the profile, portraits with face, bust, and hands, and lastly, portraits that focus on the face along with the form/figure.The course is set up in this fashion so that you get tons of practice in different areas.  You will become a pro at creating a front face portrait, AND at completing a profile, 3/4 face, portrait with bust and hands, and a full form portrait!!!!

Here are the lessons that will be covered in this course:


So, what is included with this course?

  • 10 lessons from yours truly
  • PDFs, short videos that include tips, secrets, tricks, etc. to use when creating faces/portraits
  • My lessons will include both full-length and mini!
  • Downloadable content that you can keep forever, including the videos!!  All videos will be downloadable!  Whoo Hoo!!!
  • This is a self-study course.  There is not a FB group dedicated to this course, but you ARE allowed to post your work to the Let’s Face It 2017 group if you decide to join.  The other option is to post to my art community “A Heartful Journey”.


COST – $65


What are people saying about Let’s Face It?

Cary Scholes,  “I signed up for Let’s face it on kind of a whim. I didn’t know a whole lot about Kara. Or many of the teachers, either.  I have discovered that for the money, there is probably no class available that gives you the in detail, wonderfully crafted videos and pdf’s that make up our weekly lessons. We are already to profiles, and I feel I have learned so many tricks and true methods of getting the results I desire in a portrait. Thank you thank you, Kara, for gathering these wonderful artists to teach us, and for giving so much of your time and talent also! Hugs!!”   

Ellen Goodloe, CA – “I want to say how pleased I am with Let’s Face It.  This class has been transformational for my art.  But more than that, the community of artists you have built is incredibly diverse, talented and supportive.  This is probably the best class experience ever.  I love how there is so much variety in style and approach with the mix of teachers.  Such an incredible value – so many quality teachers, the variety, a new lesson each week.  I love the format – alternating mini and main lessons, varying the styles and teacher, the tips and tricks.  Again, I can’t even begin to speak to the value.
Plus, you are absolutely adorable.  I love how real and open you are…and, you get verklempt and cry.  I just love that.
I am SO glad to be a part of this community.

Cynthia Horacek – “I wasn’t certain if I wanted to take this workshop, but I’m so glad I did!  If anyone had told me I’d be painting faces I would have laughed, but here I am, painting and drawing faces!  I love Kara’s techniques and the guest instructors have been wonderful as well!  I’m learning a lot of new techniques that I wouldn’t other wise be learning! Thank you, Kara.

Terry Honstead – “Each year I pick one thing to focus on with my art.  This year my focus is faces, so when I saw this class come up, I jumped on it.  I only knew a couple of the teachers, and had heard that one of them was teaching in this class.  So I took a chance that the other teachers were as good.  I am so happy that I did.  Kara Bullock has done a wonderful job putting this class together and all of the lessons are varied and by teachers that give so much of themselves.  I love the class and hope to take it again next year to keep up with the practicing!  I have already seen a huge improvement in my portraits and we are not half done with the year yet!

Sheila Litman“I am now in my 19th week of Kara Bullock’s Lets Face It ecourse and I cannot believe what I have learned in this time.  She has worked so hard to give each of us students her support and encouragement as well as teaching many of the lessons, giving us helpful tips each week and and organising all the fabulous guest teachers.  I look forward to each and every week and even when I think I won’t enjoy or do a lesson, once I emerge myself in it I learn so much.  I cannot say enough how I am so grateful to be on this course, with all these incredibly creative students and teachers.  But my biggest thanks goes to Kara for putting all this together for us.  I never thought I would be painting faces….but I am!“

Jody Obena, TX – I would recommend any workshop that Kara puts together. She includes lots of information as well as good videos and extra instructions for those who have to have instruction sheets. I have gone from a novice of portraits to being comfortable in multiple mediums. Well worth every penny and will definitely continue taking her workshops.”

Lori Badstein,  “I am so happy I decided to take this course. It has been truly amazing! The line up of teachers is totally awe inspiring!  Each teacher has spent so much time on their lesson. The lessons are clear and concise. They provide quality instruction and they provide so much support in the Facebook group.

I am relatively new to the art world and was worried that the lessons would be too advanced for me. I have always been fascinated with drawing faces but needed some help. This was the perfect class for me!  The support is incredible from the teachers and fellow classmates. The lessons are developed so everyone can participate.  I just can not say enough about the incredible quality of this course. Kara has done an incredible job at putting together amazing artists that are willing to take time to share their knowledge.  I have taken many classes and this by far has been the best!

I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to learn more about faces! Thank you Kara from my heart to yours!”

Ingrid E., CA“Kara Strachan Bullock’s course Let’s Face It 2016, has been very inspirational and informative to me. This year long comprehensive program is well-planned and laid out; her method of introducing different teachers into this course, brings a variety of techniques to help guide each participant in their artistic expression. Kara is always willing to share her time and experience with anyone who needs assistance or guidance. I’ll recommend this course to anyone who desires to broaden his/her artistic endeavours. Taken this program has helped me not only to improve my creative skills, but also to rekindle my love for art. This is a great community that I’m proud to be part of.”

Please read before purchasing:

Can I take this class if I am a beginner?

Absolutely! We are all in different places on our artistic journey. This class is for anyone that wants to learn and is well-suited for you whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced learner.

Do I need a special computer or program to take this course?

You will need to have a computer that is in good working shape and you will also need to have high speed Internet. Limited bandwidth and dial-up is not recommended for this course.

When will I have access to my class?

This course is now open!  An email will be sent out within 48 hours after you purchase your class with access information.  Be sure to hang on to the link and password for the course.

Where do I access my class?

To access your class, click on the course that you have purchased under “My Classroom” at the top of the page on karabullockart.com.

How often will I get my lessons?

All lessons are already posted in the classroom.

Can I download all videos and materials?

Yes!  You will be able to download and keep all videos!!

How long will I have access to the course and materials?

You will have unlimited access to the course FOREVER!  That is right!  All classes offered on the Kara Bullock Art Network are FOR LIFE!

Do you offer refunds?

No, refunds are not offered. Because the course access information are immediately mailed to you, refunds cannot be given.  Once you have purchased the course, it is yours.

What else?



