


  • Registration Open – Limited to 12
  • Instructor:  Mike Carson
  • Dates:  July 9-12
  • Materials:  Listed below
  • Cost – $749
  • Payment plan available upon request
  • Levels - Beginners through Advanced


In this workshop, Mike will demonstrate his process and approach to painting both portraits and figures. Mike will demonstrate his technique of “drawing” with paint, as well as show other techniques or “tricks” to simplify the figure, which can be a daunting task for many oil painters. He will discuss the balance between representational technique and instinctive design decisions that can transform an academic figure study. The idea is to better enhance and evolve your own personal style by remaining free to manipulate the painting as you envision it.

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Workshop Schedule:


Tuesday, Day 1:

  • 9:45 - Doors open
  • 10:00 – 1:00 - Demo
  • Mike will begin the day with a demo.  He will be painting from a live model sharing his techniques and tricks for the students.
  • 1:00 - 2:00 - Lunch
  • 2:00 - 5:00 - Students work from a live model.  Mike will offer support to students throughout this time.  A smaller class size means more one-on-one per student.
  • 5:00 - Class ends


Wednesday, Day 2:

  • 9:45 - Doors open
  • 10:00 – 1:00 - Demo
  • Mike will begin the day with a demo.  He will be painting from a live model sharing his techniques and tricks for the students.
  • 1:00 - 2:00 - Lunch
  • 2:00 - 5:00 - Students Work from a live model.  Mike will offer support to students throughout this time.  A smaller class size means more one-on-one per student.
  • 5:00 - Class ends


Thursday and Friday, Days 3 and 4

  • 9:45 - Doors open
  • During days 3 and 4, Mike will share with the students how he works from reference photos.  He will walk through his process of design and paint, and share with the students how to create a piece with more than one figure.
  • We will break for one hour on each day for lunch
  • 5:00 - Class ends

**Space is limited to 12 students so Mike can give extra one-on-one time to each individual.

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Registration is Open!  Limited to 12 Students!

July 9-12, 2019



Important Information

Supply List:

These are all suggestions as we can get by with any art materials.  This is what I will most likely be using, but not mandatory.

  • Ampersand Gesso Board -
    • 2 - 11x14 or 12x16
    • 1 - 16x20 or 18x24
  • Holbein Yellow Grey
  • Rembrandt Warm Grey
  • Old Holland Schevenings Purple Brown
  • Old Holland Brilliant Yellow
  • Titanium White
  • Winsor Newton
    • Sap Green
    • Burnt Sienna
    • French Ultramarine
  • Refined Linseed Oil
  • Paintbrushes
    • Round 2
    • Bright 10, 16
    • Filbert 1, 2, 4


***Please be prepared to handle your own shipping or packaging of your paintings as I do not have a service for this.  instructor demo may or may not be filmed.



Studio Address

145 W. Main St., Suite 110

Tustin, CA 92780

**Park in parking lot or on the street.


Airport and Hotels

If you are flying in, the closest airport to the studio is Santa Ana - John Wayne Airport.  It is about 5 miles away from the studio, with several hotels nearby as well.  Our clients' favorite hotels are listed below.

There are also several Airbnb's near the studio, as well!

***there are hotels closer to the studio, but several that I DO NOT recommend.  If you have questions about hotels, please reach out to me at


Workshop Policies: Due to limited class size, payment is non-refundable, but is transferable ONLY if the workshop sells out. If you purchase a workshop and are unable to attend, AND if there is a wait list for the course, we will offer your spot to a person on the wait list. If someone on the wait list is able to take your spot, we will reimburse you your tuition, minus a $75 admin fee for handling the replacement.  If you are unable to attend the workshop, and the workshop has not sold out with a wait list, we will not be able to refund your purchase.

***These policies also apply to a Zoom workshop.


Cancellations:  If the event does not reach the minimum number of participants, workshop may be cancelled. In this case, you will be notified 30 days prior to the workshop.  In the very rare event of an emergency or unavoidable natural disaster or act of God, the class may be cancelled. If this is to happen, all purchased workshops will be reimbursed to students in full.


Coupons and Discounts:
Coupons and/or discounts may not be applied to workshops.
Contact Questions?  Email us at  We will respond within 24 hours.